Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Complete Series

Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Complete Series Review

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Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Complete Series Feature

  • Region 1 NTSC
  • Over one hour of brand-new featurettes for each season
  • Individually Boxed Sets
  • English 5.1 Surround
  • English Dolby Surround
This is a complete collection of all episodes for seasons 1-7 spanning 47 DVD's an Official Authorized Chinese release version. Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired. The set includes the full English Dolby Digital 5.1 Soundtrack. The chinese subtitles will only display if you choose to see them from the menu screen of each DVD. SERIES DESCRIPTION The third Star Trek series concerns Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks), commander of the starship Deep Space Nine, who discovers the first known stable wormhole--a virtual shortcut through space that leads from the Alpha Quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant on the other side of the galaxy. The Gamma Quadrant is governed by the Dominion, a group led by the Changelings--a race of shapeshifters which counts DS9 crew member Odo (Rene Auberjonois) among its numbers. The Dominion has become a violent force in the galaxy, and the Deep Space Nine and its crew has become the only hope in upholding the way of life established by the Federation.

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Customer Reviews

Some episodes are actually cut off... - D. Petek -
I bought this same set several years back for around 0. Whether they're technically "bootlegged" or not...

1. Packaging is atrocious... cardboard boxes with disc sleeves that aren't actually attached to the case inside the box.
2. Clearly heavily compressed due to a move from dual-layer to single-layer discs... pixelation due to compression is often evident.
3. Fourth episode of each disc *always* cuts off early. Now, this is usually right after the episode has ended and the credits have started to roll, but I can tell you episode 12 of season 4 and episode 4 of season 6 literally have about 3 minutes chopped off the end of them.

I can't even recommend this set as a low-cost alternative anymore, since I got it much cheaper than 0 many years ago, and the price of the official set has been slashed from around 0 to 0.

It's a great, great, great show. I've watched it more than 3 times over. Believe it or not, I'm actually buying the official set today off Amazon for 0. I recommend everyone else do the same and spend that extra to get a set with decent packaging, decent quality, and episodes that don't cut off before they're done.

I love China, Chinese people, and Chinese food, but not worthless junk - W. Gardner - U.S.A.
I love China, Chinese people, and Chinese food, but not worthless junk. I actually bought Star Trek Voyager 1-7 from a seller and it turned out to be a Chinese bootleg set. I was so disappointed but the seller disappeared and I was stuck with a, not 2nd rate, but 5th rate quailty set. I should saved my money until Paramount dropped the price.

Jul 12, 2010 23:47:13


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